Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Yen-Chun Chen, et al.
Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li

⚖️ Superior Court BC709376 ⚖️
Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Pinscreen Inc., et al.
📜 Case Info 📜

⚖️ Appellate Court B316405 ⚖️
➡️ Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li ⬅️
📜 Final Opinion 📜

⚖️ Appellate Court B312596 ⚖️
Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Yen-Chun Chen, et al.
📜 Final Opinion 📜

Appellate Court Case:

Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li


#Fraud #Battery #IIED #Appeal

Appellate Court Final Opinion:

View the Final Opinion Online:
Access the Final Opinion on www.Courts.CA.Gov:
Access the Final Opinion on www.CaseText.com:

Appellate Court:

  • The Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Eight.
  • 300 S. Spring Street, 2nd Floor, North Tower, Los Angeles, CA 9001.
Filing Date:
  • November 4, 2021
Hearing Date:
  • January 26, 2023.
Opinion Filing Date:
  • March 6, 2023.

Appellate Court Justices:

  • Honarable Maria E. Stratton, Presiding Justice
  • Honarable John Shepard Wiley Jr., Justice
  • Honarable Victor Viramontes, Justice


Plaintiff and Appellant:
  • Iman Sadeghi   Dr. Iman Sadeghi isadeghiimanopoloimanopoloisadeghi/
Defendant and Respondent:
  • Hao Li   Dr. Hao Li lihaoli.haohaoli81HaoLi81hao-li.com

Appealed Causes of Action:

  1.   Fraudulent Inducement of Employment Contract by Intentional Misrepresentation
  2.   Fraudulent Inducement of Employment Contract by Intentional Concealment
  3.   Battery
  4.   Invasion of Privacy
  5.   Intentional Interference with Contract
  6.   Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress

Trial Court Case Number:

BC709376: Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Pinscreen Inc., et al.

Appellate Case Numbers:

B316405: Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li

Related Appellate Case Number:

B312596: Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Yen-Chun Chen, et al.

Appellate Court Live Docket:


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#Tags Cloud:


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Battery Footage:

Security Camera Footage of Pinscreen's Assault and Battery on Sadeghi
[ Download as Mp4 File ] [ Battery Footage Authentication by Li ]

Context: [ Pinscreen's Assault and Battery on Sadeghi ] [ Li's Lies Exposed by the Battery Footage ]


March 6, 2023
Opinion Filed: Appellate Court's Opinion Upholding Sadeghi's Claims for Fraud, Battery and IIED Against Li
Superior Court of California
January 26, 2023
Oral Argument Hearing attended by both sides.
Superior Court of California
January 03, 2023
Appellant's Reply Brief. (ARB) filed by Dr. Iman Sadeghi.
Superior Court of California
December 8, 2022
Respondent's Brief (RB) filed by Dr. Hao Li.
Superior Court of California
July 5, 2022
Appellant's Opening Brief (AOB) filed by Dr. Iman Sadeghi.
Superior Court of California
November 4, 2021
Notice of Appeal filed by Dr. Iman Sadeghi.
Superior Court of California

Text Reference:

Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li The Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Eight., Date TBD.

BibTex Reference:

		title = {Dr. Iman Sadeghi v. Dr. Hao Li},
		publisher = {The Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Eight.},
		month = {TBD},
		day = {TBD},
		year = {TBD},


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